February 19th

This unfinished drawing has been sitting on my desk, staring at me, for months. Today I added some final plants that were missing, scanned it, and will finish her up in photoshop with some color later.

I think this drawing is about the feeling of knowing that, even if you’re upset about something, like really really upset, time will still continue moving forward. Good things will happen while bag things are happening and they are both real. We have a moral obligation to pay attention to the bad things (I think, at least) and we can’t ignore the good things either.

Or, maybe it’s actually about the feeling that we are part of something bigger than us - crying, flowers growing, is all part of it. Or maybe it’s just literal documentation of a day in which I cried and at the same time, the flowers (somewhere) must have grown. Either way, I stopped crying long enough to make the drawing.

I’ll probably edit this more. Looking at it now, I feel her face is a bit too perfect.